Expect the unexpected with

The Future of Information

Our solutions are leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence and extended human expertise to let you anticipate, detect and overcome crisis.

End-to-End Solution to mitigate risks and react to crisis

Nunki.co is the European leading solution to provide real-time crisis alerts, in-depth expertise and actionable insights.

There are two verisons of each element. One is hidden & fixed, and the other is visible & absolute.
Both are positioned with respect to the viewport.
Fixed objects ~ "display: none"


24/7 Early Signals & Real-Time Alerts about impactful events all over the world. Access to our intelligence feed using our interactive platform or connect to our API.

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When a container scrolls 100% into view the fixed element is shown, and the block element is hidden. Since containers 2 & 3 are inside one, elements only revert when you scroll back up!
Object Two


Connect with the top 1% global risk community and benefit from on demand consultancy provided by world's leading experts in their field.

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Object Three
That's It!
Hope this makes sense. If not, please let me know in the comments.

All projects are unique

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